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How to Get a DBA Name in Pennsylvania

If you're looking to conduct business under a name that is different from your given name or the legal name of your company, you'll need a Doing Business As (DBA) name. DBA names are often referred to as assumed names, trade names, or fictitious names, but they all serve the same purpose. In Pennsylvania, the process of obtaining a DBA name is relatively straightforward.

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What is a DBA?

A DBA is a business name that a company uses to conduct business that is different from its legal entity name. Simply put, a DBA is a name under which a business entity operates but is not its official legal name. Filing for a DBA is a requirement in Pennsylvania if your business operates under a name that differs from your legal business entity's name.

How to Get a DBA Name in Pennsylvania is extremely useful to know, many guides online will accomplishment you very nearly How to Get a DBA Name in Pennsylvania, however i recommend you checking this How to Get a DBA Name in Pennsylvania . I used this a couple of months ago gone i was searching upon google for How to Get a DBA Name in Pennsylvania

Why Register a DBA in Pennsylvania?

Registering a DBA name in Pennsylvania provides you with a legal standing to conduct business under a unique name. It allows you to open bank accounts, obtain credit cards in your company name, and to accept checks in your business name. As a result, it also provides you an avenue to enhance your business’ brand, leading to increased name recognition and greater revenue.

Requirements for a DBA Name in Pennsylvania

Getting a DBA name in Pennsylvania is relatively simple, but you must follow the requirements for registration to run your business without incurring severe penalties. The following are important requirements to follow:

One Legal Entity for DBA Names

You must register each DBA name under a single legal entity in Pennsylvania. In other words, the legal entity owns any business running under that assumed name should match the name attached to the company.

Unique DBA Name registration

Your DBA name must be unique and distinguishable from any other business operating in Pennsylvania. Thus, to avoid an issue concerning similar business names, you can conduct a name search to avoid choosing a DBA name conflicting with an already registered business.


There is no identified residency requirement for filing your DBA paperwork in the state of Pennsylvania. Provided you meet the paperwork's requirement, you can file for a Pennsylvania DBA name from any part of the world.

License permits for your Business

You will need the necessary business licenses required for operating in Pennsylvania before registering your DBA. Thus, it is best to line up all legality requirements prior

Steps to Getting a DBA Name in Pennsylvania

1. Perform a business name search: Before registering for your DBA name in Pennsylvania, conduct an entity search to ensure that the name you choose isn't already taken.

2. Determine Your Business Structure: Pennsylvania allows businesses to operate under various structures such as sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation. Your business entity structure informs your DBA name filing requirements.

3. File a DBA Application with the Corporation Bureau. If you're registering a DBA name for your business, you will need to submit your registration to the Corporation Bureau of the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. The application involves filing AS-54 forms- Registration of Assumed name.

4. Register your business entity with the Department of Revenue: you would need to register your business and revenue with the Pennsylvania Department of revenue.

5. Get Your DBA Name Published:

After filing, the state of Pennsylvania requires business Do a 30 day notice of intent to use assumed/fictitious name advertisement in a general circulation news outlet, which includes any legal newspaper outlining your intent to register for DBA name filing.

6. Obtain licenses and Permits: Obtaining proper licensing varies across industries and occupations but it is crucial to operate commonly to avoid any legal issue.

7. Start using DBA Name:

Once you've completed the Pennsylvania Department of revenue notice run, obtained licensing, certificate of assumed name, and successfully renewed procedures. You can begin conducting your business operations using your DBA name.


While Pennsylvania offers a streamlined process for filing a DBA name, it is essential to understand the regulations mandating the registration of fictitious names to avoid various payment offenses. Ensuring that the business name is unique and correctly registered for your legal entity holds significance in Pennsylvanian law, which undoubtedly sets your business up for proper functionality and future expansion. So, by following the relevant regulations of operating with a doing business as pseudonym, you can smoothly conduct business in penn state.


1. Pennsylvania Department of State, [file for DBA in Pennsylvania]

2. [SBA - Fictitious Names - FAQs](


3. [Department of Revenue - Sales, Use & Hotel Occupancy Tax Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]

**Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to be legal advice. It is essential to follow any current updates when filing for a DBA name in Pennsylvania or consult with legal counsel or an accountant for advice.**

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